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Submitting your assets to
Music Works Virtual Studios
Please read the ALL instructions below before UPLOADING
Click this link to upload
your files for mixing &
***upload One zip FOLDER only CONTAINING ALL YOUR FILES ****
- do not upload multiple files or our system will return an error and we will have to ask you to resubmit
Your ONE compressed zip file should contain all your files.
do not upload any files that are not part of the mix
We cannot clean up your session or remove unwanted or un-needed tracks.
If you do, we will have to ask you to resubmit only the tracks to be mixed.
****VERY IMPORTANT***** make sure all tracks are zeroed on the timeline.
THIS MEANS, make sure all tracks start at the SAME PLACE AT ZERO 0:00:00 at the beginning of the song timeline.
We will not move any sounds or tracks on the timeline - everything has to be in place when you deliver.
Mix and Master Instructions
• If you have recorded your beat or vocals with any effects, please include a wet and dry version and label them accordingly Vocal _Wet and Vocal_Dry. The same If you have autotune on your recorded vocals - please include it on BOTH wet and dry versions.
SUPER IMPORTANT : You Must Label Your Tracks!
• Please use the following type of file naming for your tracks:
Lead Vocal_1.wav, Lead Vocal_2.wav etc. etc.
Double_1.wav, Double_2.wav
Ins/Outs 1.wav, Ins/Outs 2.wav
Harmony 1.wav, Harmony 2.wav
Adlibs 1.wav, Adlibs 2.wav
Background Vox 1.wav
IMPORTANT : INCLUDE A Stereo Rough Mix.wav or MP# - (this is a stereo bounce of your rough mix so we can hear what you have done so far)
HELPFUL : Please send a youtube/tidal/spotify link to a commercial release mix/master whose sound you like us to use as a reference.
We will use that reference to help us understand the type of sound you are going for.
* Your instrumental/beat should be delivered in the highest original quality possible. For Stereo (2 tracks L&R) Beats the best quality is a WAV file and the lowest quality sound is an MP3.
** Delivery of Track-out (multi-track) instrumental waves allows for the best mixing flexibility and a more detailed mix. Each instrument should be on 1 track only. Stem stereo mixes ok.
Click this link to upload your files for mixing & mastering
Online Virtual Listening Party
If you purchased an online listening party please email us and our coordinator will reach out to schedule your event.